255 results
Creating SEND Resource Provision at Marple Hall School
Stockport Council wants to know your views on a proposal to establish a specialist resource provision (SRP) at Marple Hall School from September 2023 for pupils with learning and cognition, or social, emotional and mental health needs. Stockport Council is comitted to improving the SEND offer and ensuring families have the option to allow their child's needs to be met locally. Currently, children requiring specialist provision are having to travel a significant distance across the... MoreClosed 11 December 2022 -
Admission Arrangements and School Holiday and Term Dates Consultation 2024-25
Stockport Local Authority is the Admission Authority for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in Stockport, it administers matters regarding admission arrangements on behalf of the Governing Bodies of all Voluntary Aided schools and Academies in the Borough. Accordingly, Corporate Support Services are undertaking this statutory consultation process with parents and other stakeholders for the whole family of Admission Authorities in Stockport. ... MoreClosed 11 December 2022 -
Creating SEND Resource Provision at Romiley Primary School
Stockport Council wants to know your views on a proposal to establish a specialist resource provision (SRP) at Romiley Primary School from September 2023 for pupils with learning and cognition, or social, emotional and mental health needs. Stockport Council is comitted to improving the SEND offer and ensuring families have the option to allow their child's needs to be met locally. Currently, children requiring specialist provision are having to travel a significant distance across the... MoreClosed 11 December 2022 -
Integrated Transport Block – Longhurst Lane
Stockport Council has been awarded funding from the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) to fund small scale improvements including road safety and the promotion of more sustainable modes of travel. This proposal is to install a gateway feature to assist with traffic calming as a priority chicane for this rural road. This will include traffic regulation order of double yellow lines to ensure that traffic flow will be maintained The proposals include: ... MoreClosed 14 December 2022 -
Road Safety around Schools – All Saints C. E. Primary School
The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. In order for this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, the Feasibility and Road Safety Team have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Road Safety around Schools – St Paul's C of E Primary School
The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. In order for this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, the Feasibility and Road Safety Team have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and ward... MoreClosed 19 December 2022 -
Budget Consultation 2022
We understand that everyone is dealing with a concerning rise in the cost of living. But the impacts of rising inflation and increased demand are also presenting the Council with significant financial challenges. As we plan our spending for the year ahead, we need to hear your views on our proposals to both reduce spending and generate income. We also want to hear your ideas for how we might make further savings. Introduction Stockport Metropolitan... MoreClosed 27 December 2022 -
Ludworth Primary School – Traffic Regulation Order Amendments
The Council has undertaken a review of the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) in proximity to Ludworth Primary School in line with the Section 278 Agreement attached to the planning permission for the school extension. To reduce the impact of inconsiderate parking and to improve the safety for children walking / cycling to school the following measures have been identified: Upgrade of the existing school warning signage to include ‘School 20 when lights... MoreClosed 30 December 2022 -
Expedited Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation
Stockport Council have introduced an Expedited Public Spaces Protection Order (E-PSPO) to Stockport. These orders aim to protect the public from harm that some protests in the vicinity of schools, vaccination centres and NHS Test and Trace (T and T) sites can cause. This order is not designed to restrict free speech or the right to protest. This order is intended to help ensure that both the public using services at our vaccination centres and the staff and... MoreClosed 3 January 2023 -
Proposal to Close St Mary's RC Primary School (Roman Rd)
OFSTED made a judgement in January 2022 that the quality of education provision provided by the school was not good enough, OFSTED placed the school into 'Special Measures'. As a result, an academy order was issued to the school. An Academy Order issued by the Secretary of State directs the school to close and open as a new school under a multi academy trust. If the school cannot convert and become a new school, it cannot continue operating as a Local Authority maintained... MoreClosed 15 January 2023 -
Public Space Protection Order Extension - Car Cruising
Stockport Council put in place a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to deal with car cruising on 17 th March 2017. This followed on from significant concerns from residents and businesses about large scale gatherings of cars at Heaton Lane and Newbridge Lane car parks. In addition to the disruption at the car parks, the meetings were also characterised by dangerous driving both on site and also in the Town Centre as people arrived and left the car parks. ... MoreClosed 24 January 2023 -
Road Safety around Schools – Woodley Primary School
The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. In order for this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, the Traffic Services have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local Members . ... MoreClosed 31 January 2023 -
Dialstone (Offerton) Leisure Centre Consultation
Stockport Council is facing extreme financial pressures. These pressures mean that we have a number of difficult decisions to make. In November to December, we introduced a range of ideas to the public of Stockport as part of a public consultation. This second part of our budget consultation focusses on a proposed change to the leisure offer in Stockport. Our proposal We propose that Dialstone (Offerton) Leisure Centre is permanently closed. ... MoreClosed 12 February 2023 -
Broadstone Road (Reddish) Highway Scheme – New Toucan Crossing
We are proposing a new Toucan (signal-controlled, pedestrian and cyclist) Crossing on Broadstone Road, Reddish between Briarfield Road and Keswick Road. The crossing aims to support sustainable travel choices and improve safety of pedestrians and cyclists crossing Broadstone Road. The proposed scheme would be paid for by the Government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and Transforming Cities Funding. These are national investment funds to improve... MoreClosed 12 February 2023 -
Bramhall Lane Highway Scheme
We have drafted highways proposals for the Bramhall Lane corridor between Blossoms Street and Windsor Street which aim to support sustainable travel choices and improve safety whilst maintaining and managing the performance of our existing transport network. This proposed scheme would be paid for by the Government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and Transforming Cities Funding. These are national investment funds to improve local transport networks, access... MoreClosed 12 February 2023 -
School Streets Stockport - St Thomas' CofE Primary School
What is this consultation about? We are gathering your views on a proposal to introduce a School Street at St Thomas’s CofE Primary School in Heaton Chapel. The proposal aims to reduce general and school traffic outside the school by closing local roads for short periods at the start and end of each school day. How does a School Street work? A School Street seeks to make the streets around schools safer for pupils and parents to be... MoreClosed 28 February 2023 -
JSNA Mental Health and Wellbeing
Stockport's Health and Wellbeing Board has a legal duty to review and understand the health and social care needs of Stockport to inform our strategies and service plans; this is called the JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment). In Stockport we do this by regularly looking into specific topics and producing a briefing about our anlaysis and findings. We have recently produced a draft JSNA for Mental Health and Wellbeing and want to consult l ocal people; including staff,... MoreClosed 24 March 2023 -
Marple Neighbourhood Plan
Marple Neighbourhood Forum has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan for Marple and the council is now seeking your views on its content until 26 March 2023. Marple Neighbourhood Plan sets out planning policies that, once adopted, will guide future proposals for development in the area until 2038. The Localism Act 2011 gives communities the ability to shape the future of their area and the types of development they would like to see. The forum was set up in 2016 and has... MoreClosed 26 March 2023 -
Proposed Pedestrian Refuge, Compstall Road, Romiley
We have drafted a proposal for a new pedestrian refuge crossing on Compstall Road, Romiley adjacent to the junction of Waterloo Road. The refuge crossing aims to support sustainable travel choices and improve safety of pedestrians crossing Compstall Road to access adjacent bus stops. This proposed scheme would be paid for by the Government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and Transforming Cities Funding. These are national investment funds to improve... MoreClosed 27 March 2023 -
Hartington Road-Park Road Trial Road Closure Consultation
Following the Trial Road Closure of Hartington Road to Park Road, Stockport Councils Highways and Transportation is seeking to gather feedback regarding the impact the Trial Closure had to residents and commuters. MoreClosed 27 March 2023 -
Proposed Zebra Crossing, Compstall Road, Marple Bridge
We have drafted a proposal for a new zebra crossing on Compstall Road, Marple Bridge adjacent to the junction of Cote Green Lane. The zebra crossing aims to support sustainable travel choices and improve safety of pedestrians crossing Compstall Road to access adjacent bus stops. This proposed scheme would be paid for by the Government’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and Transforming Cities Funding. These are national investment funds to improve local... MoreClosed 27 March 2023 -
Moving Traffic Offences Consultation
In May 2022, the Government granted powers to enable councils to enforce moving traffic enforcement. The purpose of the new powers is so councils can manage specific road locations where there may be issues with persistent moving traffic offences. Currently enforcement of moving traffic offences can only be carried out by the police under criminal law and a penalty notice issued. Stockport Council will be looking to apply for the new powers to expand the work we already do to... MoreClosed 28 March 2023 -
Hawk Green COVID Community Commemoration Fund Consultation
Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic communities have come together to provide support and neighbourliness. As the pandemic has eased, communities across Stockport and nationally have turned their energy towards how they might want to reflect on and commemorate this historical period. This has happened organically without any state intervention. Stockport Council became aware of this move to commemorate experiences from the pandemic, and in 2021 year a working... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Road Safety around Schools – Queensgate Primary School
The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school, both to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. For this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, Traffic Services have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local Members. The... MoreClosed 31 March 2023 -
Consultation to replace the Expedited Public Spaces Protection Order (E-PSPO) with a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
Between November 2022 and January 2023 we consulted with the Stockport Public to gather their views on the introduction of the the Expedited Public Spaces Protection Order (E-PSPO). The order was introduced on 25 th November 2022 for the safety of staff and visitors to vaccination centres. The order is currently in place for 6 months, and this consultation allowed members of the public to share their views and experiences of the order and its requirements, to inform the review... MoreClosed 24 April 2023 -
Road Safety around Schools – Mersey Vale Primary School
The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school, both to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. For this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, Traffic Services have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local Members and... MoreClosed 31 May 2023 -
Extending the Age Range at Alexandra Park Primary School - Statutory Proposal
Alexandra Park Primary School and Stockport Council propose an expansion in the age range of the school to create a school nursery to serve the local community of the existing school. This provision would replace the current ‘Alexandra Park Pre-school’ provision that is situated onsite at the school. The current pre-school has handed in their notice to terminate their contract. They will cease trading from 27 th July 2023. We propose to open a... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Creating SEND Resource Provision at Dial Park Primary School
Stockport is proud of the quality of education provided by its diverse and high-performing system of schools, colleges, and early years’ settings. Stockport is committed to ensuring its residents have access to good local schools which offer a rich and varied learning experience. The Council has an enduring statutory responsibility to commission sufficient high quality school places. This means having the right number and type of school places, in the right place, at the right time to... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
Expanding Mainstream and SEND Capacity at Tithe Barn Primary School
Stockport is proud of the quality of education provided by its diverse and high-performing system of schools, colleges, and early years’ settings. Stockport is committed to ensuring its residents have access to good local schools which offer a rich and varied learning experience. The Council has an enduring statutory responsibility to commission sufficient high quality school places. This means having the right number and type of school places, in the right place, at the right time to... MoreClosed 18 June 2023 -
School Holiday and Term Dates General Principles
The Local Authority is responsible for setting School Holiday and Term Dates for all maintained schools within the borough. Term dates are consulted on each year as part of the School Admissions and Term Dates consultation and generally provide an option of one or two weeks for Primary schools in the summer half-term. This consultation will outline some general principles for setting holiday and term dates with examples of how a set of principles look in real terms. The dates outlined... MoreClosed 25 June 2023
255 results.
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