Have your say on Highways and Transport consultations

We make hundreds of decisions each year about changes to the roads. Tell us what you think about decisions that affect you.





What Stockport is responsible for

Stockport is benefitting from unprecedented levels of investment in regeneration and growth projects totalling several hundreds of millions of pounds. To ensure these developments are successful, an integrated approach to transport and infrastructure has been critical, including the creation of new accesses and an enhanced public realm to these and other key locations. From public realm projects creating welcoming spaces for Stockport residents and visitors alike, to new and enhanced highways including pedestrian and cycling routes, the town’s regeneration and growth is being supported by an improved transport infrastructure network.

 All consultations regarding Highways and Transportation schemes can be found below, ranging from new infrastructure being proposed or parking schemes being created. Here you can find all of our open Highways and Transportation activities. This site aims to help people learn about our projects and have their say to influence the council’s transport policies.

Your impact

Learn about recent decisions we made based on your feedback See all outcomes

We asked

We sought your views on the School Street trial at St Thomas’s CofE Primary School in Heaton Chapel around: whether or not it should continue as a permanent scheme; views on how it operated; and what changes respondents would like to see if it became permanent.


You said

There were a total of 265 responses.  119 parents/guardians indicated that they would like the scheme to continue unchanged with 10 responding that they would not.  19 residents who were permit holders (not parents/guardians) indicated that they would like the scheme to continue unchanged, with 3 seeking changes and 13 against its continuation.  Of residents in the wider neighbourhood, 61 respondents indicated that they would be happy to see the School Street continue, 6 sought changes and 20 were against.

The key suggestions arising from the consultation were:

  • Additional traffic management measures and signage
  • Additional enforcement
  • More road safety training for children
  • Addressing antisocial and dangerous driving and parking by parents
  • Alternative car parking
  • Clarification of the role of marshals

We did

The consultation comments and analysis have been shared with the Ward Councillors who have agreed that the scheme should continue.  Changes suggested will be explored further and may be progressed should funding become available. 

Closed Highways and Transport consultations

Issues we asked you about previously that are now closed

Proposed No Waiting At Any Time Traffic Regulation Order Greenway Road & Surrounding Area

Consultation on proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – ‘No Waiting at Any Time,' (double yellow lines) Greenway Road and surrounding roads in Heald Green.


Marple District Centre Residents Parking - Consultation

Stockport Council was subject to a petition by residents of Queen Street, Lockside, Chadwick Street, Empress Avenue, Church Street, East Vale, John Street and Trinity Street in May 2023, requesting...


A6 Corridor in Stockport - Improving Journeys

Improving Journeys – A6 Corridor in Stockport Introduction: Stockport Council is consulting over improving journeys on the A6 corridor from the Manchester Boundary to Stockport...


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Ambitious Stockport, creating opportunities for everyone.

Get in touch with our consultation team on consultation@stockport.gov.uk


For information about Stockport you can visit our website

To have your say on Greater Manchester-wide initiaves you can visit the GMCA consultation site