Road Safety around Schools – Queensgate Primary School

Closed 31 Mar 2023

Opened 10 Mar 2023


The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school, both to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. For this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families.

To support this ambition, Traffic Services have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local Members. The following improvements have been identified surrounding Queensgate Primary School:

  •  Introduction of School Keep Clear Markings on the approach to the   school entrance (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.00pm). North side only.
  •  Refresh existing School Keep Clear Markings
  • Provision of an uncontrolled crossing point near the bend of   Albany Road opposite the school to aid pedestrians.
  •  Introduction of No Waiting at Any Time restriction (Double Yellow Lines)   with additional No Loading restrictions (to apply Monday to Friday   8.00am - 5.00pm), on Albany Road to the eastern side opposite the   school / Keep Clear markings. These restrictions are proposed to keep   this stretch of carriageway clear of parked vehicles at school drop-off   and pick-up times, improving safety for pedestrians with visibility and   keeping the area clear to support the crossing point in this location.
  •  Introduction of No Waiting (Single Yellow Line) with additional No   Loading restrictions (to apply Monday to Friday 8.00am – 9.30am and   2.30pm to 3.30pm), from the proposed (Double Yellow lines) to the   existing School Keep Clear markings, which will incorporate the whole   of the turning head to the south of Albany Close/school entrance. These   restrictions are proposed to keep this stretch of carriageway clear of   parked vehicles at school drop-off and pick-up times, to aid residential   accesses and improving safety for pedestrians, likewise from the   pedestrian footpath off Woodford Road.
  •  Introduction of No Waiting at Any Time restriction (Double Yellow Lines)   at the junction of Albany Road where it meets Meadway including   opposite the junction to keep the junctions clear of parked vehicles,   protecting intervisibility between pedestrians and motorists whilst also   ensuring vehicles can negotiate the junctions safely.
  •  Replace existing Signage on existing posts for parking restrictions around the school on Albany Road.
  •  Refresh school entrance carriageway lining to define the boundary   between the main carriageway and the traffic emerging from the school   entrance junction
  •  Introduction of No Waiting with No Loading restriction (Single Yellow   Line) for (Monday to Friday 8.00am - 9.30am and 2.30pm - 3.30pm), on   the turning head of Oakfield Close to support school entrance.
  •  Introduction of Access Protection Markings (H-bars) for several   properties along Albany Road.

If you require a hard copy of the survey, please contact the team at: or call the contact centre on 0161 217 6043.

Consultation responses must be received by 31st March 2023

Please be advised that all comments will be considered as part of the overall consultation process; however, these will not be responded to individually.

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Why your views matter

Please could you spend a few minutes to consider the issues and let us have your feedback on the proposals. Please include any comments you may wish to make on the proposal by completing the online survey by Friday 31st March 2023.


  • Bramhall North


  • Stockport Council Activities
  • Children and young people
  • Schools/education
  • Cycling and walking
  • Communities
  • Community Safety
  • Environment
  • Planning
  • Traffic
  • Parking
  • Road Safety