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256 results

  • Breast Screening Questionnaire

    The NHS breast screening programme invites all women aged between 50 and 70 to attend screening every three years. Stockport is working to improve uptake of breast screening across the Borough. This questionnaire aims to improve our understanding of why women in Stockport chose to attend – or not attend – for breast screening so that we can make changes if we need to. Please complete the relevant questions if you are: A Stockport resident Aged... More
    Opened 3 July 2019
  • Re-Location and Expansion of Lisburne School

    The outcome of this consultation can been seen here . The consultation regarding the expansion and re-location of Lisburne School closed on 3 rd May 2019. We would like to thank everyone who has taken time to respond. We have heard from parents/carers, staff, members of the local community and other interested parties. A report detailing the outcomes of consultation was considered by the Council’s Cabinet at its meeting on 18 th June 2019. The report is available to view here... More
    Opened 26 June 2019
  • Davenport and Cale Green Permit Parking Scheme Consultation

    A Permit Parking Scheme is proposed in Davenport and Cale Green to include Adswood Lane East, Anglesea Avenue, Cale Street, Crosby Street, Lowfield Grove, Lowfield Road, Lyme Grove, Osbourne Road and Wellington Grove. Permit Parking Schemes aim to make parking easier for residents and businesses who don't have off-road parking. They are considered to support independent living in the community. It is proposed that this scheme be operational Monday – Saturday, 8am... More
    Opened 24 June 2019
  • Proposed Little Moor Local Centre Improvements

    There is a proposed improvement scheme for Hall Street and Little Moor Local Centre. The scheme aims to improve the environment with wider, paved footways and street furniture. The proposals include: A footway build-out and repaving between the Emigration pub and the signal controlled pedestrian crossing; A footway build-out and repaving between the Victoria pub and the vehicle access adjacent to 137 Hall Street; Tightening ... More
    Opened 7 June 2019
  • Merseyway- Adlington Walk Proposal

    Plans to redevelop Merseyway Shopping Centre are moving forward with the announcement of two public events to look at the first stage of the centre’s redevelopment - the refurbishment of Adlington Walk. Adlington Walk is a covered area of the centre that links off the main mall to Chestergate and the Old Town. We would welcome your views on the proposals which include reconfiguring and rebranding Adlington Walk to create ‘best in class’ community amenity and welfare facilities for... More
    Opened 20 May 2019
  • Open space Provision and Commuted Payments: Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The existing Stockport Council’s ‘Recreational Open Space Provision and Commuted Payments’ Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), July 2006 outlines the commitment of the Council to promote a wide range of well-designed sport, leisure and play facilities. It is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and assists the Council in securing local and national objectives in respect of sustainable development. The SPG needs to be refreshed to recognise... More
    Opened 15 May 2019
  • Your Feedback: Litter and waste issues in your area

    Keep Britain Tidy is conducting a survey on behalf of Stockport Council to gather the residents’ views of litter and waste issues in their area, and would welcome your feedback. By participating in the survey, you will have the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of three £50 Love2shop Gift Vouchers. The survey takes up to 10 minutes to complete and will close at 9am on Monday 8 April 2019. More
    Opened 21 March 2019
  • SEND JSNA Report Consultation

    A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a review of the current and future health and social care needs of a defined community; in this case the population aged 0 to 25 living with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in Stockport. We welcome your views on a report that summarises the information that we currently hold about children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) in Stockport. It includes recommendations which will help... More
    Opened 12 March 2019
  • Planning Applications- Application Validation Checklist (AVC)

    As a Local Planning Authority (LPA), Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council must publish a local list of information requirements for submitted planning applications, in addition to the national mandatory information requirements specified in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). This is to provide clarity to applicants on what information should accompany their applications. The LPA previously published the... More
    Opened 6 March 2019
  • Open Space Provision and Commuted Payments: Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The existing Stockport Council’s ‘Recreational Open Space Provision and Commuted Payments’ Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), July 2006 outlines the commitment of the Council to promote a wide range of well-designed sport, leisure and play facilities. It is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and assists the Council in securing local and national objectives in respect of sustainable development. The SPG needs to be refreshed to recognise... More
    Opened 6 February 2019
  • Special Provision Capital Fund to re-build and expand Lisburne School

    Local Authorities have a duty to support all children and young people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and must make sure that there are enough good school places for all pupils. The Government has allocated Stockport £1.64m through the Special Provision Capital Fund (SPCF), divided across 2018 to 2021. The funding is to assist the Local Authority in creating new places and improving existing facilities for children and young people with SEND in... More
    Opened 29 January 2019
  • Taxi Licensing Consultation

    Private hire vehicles are licensed to undertake pre-booked journeys through a licensed private hire operator. There is currently no condition requiring a licensed private hire vehicle to display the details of the licensed private hire operator for whom they are working. Stockport Council is considering making it a condition of a private hire vehicle licence that the name of the private hire operator under which the vehicle is working is displayed on the vehicle bodywork. This... More
    Opened 23 January 2019
  • Mayoral Development Corporation - Regenerating Stockport's Town Centre West

    Stockport’s Town Centre West is set to become Greater Manchester’s newest, greenest, and coolest affordable urban neighbourhood. History and nature set a great context for streets and buildings to quickly establish a distinctive urban environment and a truly sustainable place to live. Town Centre West will be a walkable neighbourhood at the heart of things. It will provide a choice of homes and workspace. Residents and business... More
    Opened 14 January 2019
  • The Greater Manchester Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment

    Greater Manchester's Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment: The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, is all about making our city region fit for the future and one of the best places in the world to live, work and visit. More
    Opened 14 January 2019
  • Stockport Cycling and Walking Plan

    The existing walking and cycling strategies for Stockport were adopted in 2010 and 2000 respectively and therefore require revision to take account of changes which have been made to transport infrastructure in the Borough over that time. This plan sets out a long term vision for cycling and walking in Stockport, and provides an overarching framework and evidence base to set out: The value of cycling and walking in delivering wider policies and strategies. The current context of... More
    Opened 10 January 2019
  • Stockport Active Communities Strategy

    The purpose of the Active Communities Strategy is to: • Summarise findings from Stockport's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) about n eeds and priorities for health and wellbeing in relation to physical activity and our cultural offer. • I nform the public about our proposals for an A ctive Community. • Outline a whole system view ... More
    Opened 9 January 2019
  • Stockport Town Centre Metroshuttle Consultation

    Stockport Council is facing financial challenges which means we have to save £47 million pounds over the next four years. Due to our financial position we have difficult decisions to make when allocating and prioritising public spending. We have already managed savings of over £100 million pounds in recent years, while continuing to deliver services and value for money to the residents of Stockport. We are committed to consulting and engaging with Stockport residents and other... More
    Opened 7 December 2018
  • Stockport Council's Approach to Fees and Charges Consultation

    Stockport Council is facing an ongoing financial challenge and increasing demand for statutory service such as adults' social care. This means that we have an anticipated gap in the budget of up to £47 million pounds over the next four years and the income generated from Council Tax and Business Rates alone will no longer be sufficient to cover the cost of some services. One of the ways in which we are managing this deficit is by developing a cost recovery policy, which... More
    Opened 27 November 2018
  • Admissions and Term Dates Consultation

    This consultation sets out matters on which the Admission Authorities for the Academies listed below and Stockport Council wish to consult upon: Admission arrangements for St Thomas’ CE Primary School (Heaton Chapel) Admission arrangements for St Ambrose Catholic Primary School Admission arrangements for Banks Lane Infant School, Banks Lane Junior School, Great Moor Infant School, Great Moor Junior School, Hursthead Infant School, Hursthead Junior School, Nevill Road Infant... More
    Opened 21 November 2018
  • Age Friendly Survey

    In Stockport we already have a lot of work underway around ageing well, and the Age Friendly strategy aims to bring that together and remind us all what we are trying to achieve. Our strategy has been developed by Stockport’s Age-Friendly Board, which includes partners from across the breadth of council, the health service, voluntary and community sector. In October 2017 we held a series of events to engage with local community groups across Stockport, and held a focussed workshop on... More
    Opened 21 November 2018
  • Stockport Street Cleaning, Park and Highway Verge Maintenance Consultation

    Stockport Council is facing an ongoing financial challenge and increasing demand for statutory services such as adult’s social care. This means that we have an anticipated gap in the budget of up to £47 million pounds over the next four years and the income generated from Council Tax and Business Rates alone will no longer be sufficient to cover the cost of some services. The Council is committed to engaging with, and informing, Stockport residents with regard to how... More
    Opened 16 November 2018
  • Shaw Heath Park - Play Area Improvements

    Stockport Council has an opportunity to make some improvements to Shaw Heath Park over the next few years. The funding for these park improvements has come from a Commuted Sums contribution from a neighbouring development near to the play area. These improvement works will be delivered on a phased approach. The first phase concerns improvements to the infant area and the junior area. These will be completed in the next year. The Council would like to get your views on the... More
    Opened 6 November 2018
  • Stockport Local Assistance Scheme Consultation

    Stockport Council is facing financial challenges which means we have to save £47 million pounds over the next four years. Due to our financial position we have difficult decisions to make when allocating and prioritising public spending. We have already managed savings of over £100 million pounds in recent years, while continuing to deliver services and value for money to the residents of Stockport. We are committed to consulting and engaging with Stockport residents and other... More
    Opened 26 October 2018
  • Woodford Neighbourhood Draft Plan

    Neighbourhood planning was introduced with the Localism Act 2011. Since then communities across the country have taken up the opportunity to prepare Neighbourhood Plans. These plans enable communities to put in place a vision and policies for future local Development. Woodford Neighbourhood Forum is the first body within the Borough of Stockport to submit a proposed plan on behalf of a Community. Written by the Woodford Neighbourhood Forum, this document seeks public views on... More
    Opened 24 October 2018
  • Libraries Consultation

    To enable library members to access the library on a self-service basis outside of staffed opening hours, we are introducing Open Library technology (Open+) in a further five libraries across the borough. We have been running a trouble free pilot of this technology in Bramhall Library since 2015, which has enabled us to thoroughly test the technology in a library environment. We want to make sure that everyone who needs to, can access library services when our staff are available to... More
    Opened 22 October 2018
  • Council Tax Discount Scheme

    Stockport Council is consulting on a range of proposals to change the discount options for empty, unoccupied properties. Reviewing the current scheme has the potential to raise additional revenue, some of which will be directed to support vulnerable families on a low income. More
    Opened 1 October 2018
  • Body Worn Cameras - Privacy Impact Assessment

    To help ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO's) when patrolling, Stockport Council will be equipping our CEO’s with Body Worn Cameras. This consultation therefore seeks your views so that they can be taken into account as part of the preparation and production of our Privacy Impact Assessment. All comments will be taken into account before a final decision is made on when Body Worn Cameras may be used, how any recordings which are made may... More
    Opened 19 September 2018
  • North Heatons Play Area

    Stockport Council has the opportunity to invest in a new play area for children under the age of 14 at either Heaton Moor Park or Peel Moat Open Space. Indicative designs have been created that show how the same play equipment could be laid out at each site. The Council would like your views on where you feel the new play area should be located and to get your comments on the indicative design. More
    Opened 10 September 2018
  • Waste in the Wrong Place Survey

    At Stockport Council we are constantly striving to improve our services and we are currently running a Discovery Project called “Waste in the wrong place”. The purpose of this project is to look at how Stockport residents report issues regarding litter and waste online, as well as the experience and process of doing so. With this information we can improve this process for both the residents and the council; hopefully resulting in quicker turnaround times for waste clearance and higher... More
    Opened 29 August 2018
  • Gambling Policy Consultation

    Our current Gambling Policy Statement is due for review under the Gambling Act (2005). We must review the policy every 3 years to make sure it meets our legal obligations and strategic objectives. We are therefore seeking views from the public and relevant statutory bodies on the changes. More
    Opened 15 August 2018
256 results. Page 8 of 9