Museums Consultation

Closed 18 Nov 2019

Opened 18 Sep 2019


Central government funding for councils is reducing. The Council has already made savings of £100 million in recent years while delivering and even improving services for the residents of Stockport. Over the coming years we’ll be faced with further difficult decisions about how to prioritise our spending.

In 2020/21, we need to make savings of £10 million. We want your views on a range of proposals which would contribute £4.2m to this target.

We need your help to get the savings proposals right for Stockport. We want to hear from you and want your views on these proposals being put forward to make these savings.

This consultation will allow you to have your say on the proposals to reduce the museums budget by £150,000 by:

  • Reducing the number of museum sites run by Stockport Council;
  • Changing the opening hours at Stockport’s museums and; 
  • Changing the fees and charges for admission to Stockport's museums 

A fourth proposal, to reduce the management of the museum teams would be implemented if the above proposals to reduce the number of sites and change the opening hours were agreed.  

Please ensure we receive your views by 18th November 2019. It is important that we receive your views by this date as all feedback will be pulled together into a report which will then be considered by Scrutiny Committees and then at the Cabinet meeting in December. A paper copy can be requested in Libraries. If you require this consultation in an alternative format, please contact:

