256 results
Stockport Town of Culture Public Engagement
Stockport has been selected to be Greater Manchester Town of Culture for 2023. We are currently designing the detailed programme and want it to provide opportunities for everyone in Stockport to be active and creative. We particularly want activities to celebrate the people, places and stories of Stockport We’d love to hear from you about what you’d like to see happening during Town of Culture and the longer term legacy you’d like it to have. MoreOpened 2 June 2023 -
PERINATAL FEEDBACK SURVEY – DADS /BIRTH PARTNERS The Perinatal period is the period of time from pregnancy & up to a year after giving birth. Taking part will help us improve the support dads/birth partners receive in the perinatal period in Stockport. We are focusing within the first critical 1001 days of child’s life (conception – 2 years) as we know that this has the most significant influence on a child’s social emotional wellbeing and... MoreOpened 5 June 2023 -
St Thomas School Street - Follow-Up
School Streets: Online Evaluation What is a School Street? A school street is a road outside a school with a temporary motorised traffic restriction on it, in term time, at school drop-off and pick-up times. The restriction is to create a street environment which encourages cycling, scooting, or walking for part or all of the school run and reduce motorised traffic. Introduction The School Street for St Thomas's Church of England Primary School started... MoreOpened 26 June 2023 -
Your views on our Greater Manchester Age-friendly Strategy 2023-2033
The GM Ageing Hub will be refreshing the Greater Manchester Age-friendly Strategy in 2023. At the start of 2023, we focussed on engagement with stakeholders and experts across the city region, and now we want to hear from a range of other people across Greater Manchester. The refreshed Strategy will give an overview of current demographic trends, as well as the key challenges and opportunities for Greater Manchester in becoming an exemplar age-friendly city region. This is... MoreOpened 3 July 2023 -
Bus Pinch Points: Dialstone Lane Proposed Highway Improvements
We have drafted highways proposals for Dialstone Lane between Buxton Road (A6) and no. 245 Dialstone Lane (north of Dial Park Road) which aim to support sustainable travel choices and improve safety whilst maintaining and managing the performance of our existing transport network. This proposed scheme would be paid for by Greater Manchester’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and Transforming Cities Funding. These are national investment funds to improve... MoreOpened 13 July 2023 -
Tell us what you think about Health and Social Care in Stockport
We want to hear your views to help shape the joint ONE Health and Care Plan for the people of Stockport. This plan is about what we can all do to be healthier and have the care and support we need now and in the future. It builds on the work already being done across different organisations and brings it together into one plan. It will support the ONE Stockport Borough Plan which aims to make Stockport a great place to live and a healthy and thriving town. The aims of the ONE... MoreOpened 17 July 2023 -
Marple Active Community Hub & Marple Area Transport
This online response form asks for your opinions on the Marple Community Hub & Marple Area Cycling & Walking proposals. Marple Community Hub Stockport Council has secured £20m worth of Capital Levelling Up funding towards the Marple Active Communities Hub and we are asking for your views on the current proposals to inform a forthcoming planning application. We are keen to hear you views on the design of the Leisure and Community Hub itself, as well as walking,... MoreOpened 4 September 2023 -
Draft Stockport Education Contributions SPD
Consultation on our draft Education Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) We have a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient school places within the borough to meet the population's educational needs. The development of new homes can increase the need for additional school places. Where new developments create an unacceptable impact on local schools, we’re proposing to seek financial contributions that will help to fund new educational facilities. The... MoreOpened 13 September 2023 -
Massie Street Cycle Cut Through
Stockport Council is consulting on a proposal to provide a segregated cycle route between Ashfield Crescent and Massie Street car park in Cheadle. A number of Cheadle Towns Fund schemes which included a route for cyclists utilising the quiet roads of Brookfield Road, Oak Road, Whitegates Road, Ashfield Road and Ashfield Crescent was implemented in 2022 and earlier this year. This scheme has been implemented with the exception of the Massie Street car park cycle cut... MoreOpened 20 September 2023 -
ATF4 Sandringham Road Footpath Widening
Stockport Council have successfully bid for funding from Active Travel England to progress the design and implementation of providing and improving an existing pedestrian route which travels between Ladybridge Road, along Ladybrook Valley to meet with Bramhall Park Road and upgrade this for access by pedestrians and cyclists. As part of the funding, it has also been identified the existing footpath between Sandringham Road and Twining Brook Road in Cheadle Hulme, which... MoreOpened 20 September 2023 -
Newland Road Quiet Lane
Following the implementation of a number of Cheadle Towns Fund schemes, Stockport Council is consulting on a proposal to provide a traffic calmed route along Newland Road. Background A total of £13.9m was awarded for the development of a new railway station for Cheadle and active travel proposals to improve connectivity to Cheadle High Street/the new station. Since the implementation of the Cheadle Towns Fund schemes which provide links... MoreOpened 29 September 2023 -
Bridgehall, Cale Green, Edgeley and Shaw Heath Parking Survey
Following feedback from residents and the local Councillors in the area of Bridgehall, Cale Green, Edgeley and Shaw Heath, we are carrying out a review of parking in the locality. The aim of the survey is to understand what issues you have with parking on your street. MoreOpened 9 October 2023 -
Station Road, Town Centre Walking and Cycling Proposal
In September 2021, proposed walking and cycling improvements on Station Road in Stockport Town Centre were approved. The previous design incorporated a segregated pedestrian and cycle crossing (Tiger crossing), tying into a segregated route along the Bridgescape which leads to the Interchange. Since the approval of the original design, some design changes have occurred following a review of traffic and speed survey data and on carriageway and bridgescape space... MoreOpened 24 October 2023 -
Let's talk budget 24/25
We provide over 800 services to support and improve the lives of residents, business and visitors, with an annual budget of £310 million. Every year we must deliver a budget that balances our spend with the income we receive. Over the last few years, we have experienced a series of unprecedented events. Firstly, the COVID-19 pandemic but more recently, we have experienced periods of severe economic instability, brought on by both national and global events. We continue to see... MoreOpened 15 November 2023 -
Admission Arrangements Consultation 2025-26
Stockport Local Authority is the Admission Authority for all Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in Stockport, it administers matters regarding admission arrangements on behalf of the Governing Bodies of all Voluntary Aided schools and Academies in the Borough. Accordingly, Stockport Education Department are undertaking this statutory consultation process with parents and other stakeholders for the whole family of Admission Authorities in Stockport. ... MoreOpened 11 December 2023 -
Edgeley Active Travel
This online response form asks for your opinions on Greek Street CRSTS & the Wider Edgeley Walking and Cycling proposals as part of the Edgeley Active Travel consultation. Greek Street Bridge and Stockholm Road Bridge are to be replaced in 2025 as part of Network Rail’s renewal programme. Please be assured that we will continue to work with Network Rail over the coming months to develop diversion plans for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles while the bridges are being... MoreOpened 3 February 2024 -
A6 to Bramhall Park Proposed Highway Changes
A6 to Bramhall Park Proposed Highway Changes - Plans We have drafted highway proposals for the A5143 Corridor between Macclesfield Road (to the east) and Bramhall Lane South (to the west) to support the recently implemented cycle route between the A6 and Bramhall Park. Work will be funded from the City Regional Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) Integrated Transport Block (ITB) grant which has been allocated to fund small scale improvements including road safety and the... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
A560 & B6104 Corridor Improving Journeys
Stockport Council and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) aim to improve journeys on the route between Stockport Town Centre and Woodley, delivering benefits for residents by making sure they are better connected so they can access jobs, education, and training more easily. The project is part of major investment across the whole 330 bus route between Stockport and Ashton via Hyde and Dukinfield which will see improvements to bus stops, junctions, crossings, and access.... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Hazel Grove Proposed Highway Changes
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order Plan Stockport Council has been awarded funding via the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) to fund small scale improvements including road safety and the promotion of sustainable modes of travel. Stockport Council has a policy of providing 20mph speed limits on residential estate roads. We have identified that there may be road safety benefit to the implementation of a 20mph speed limit zone in the area covering Wensley Drive, Malton... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
A6 Corridor in Stockport - Improving Journeys
Improving Journeys – A6 Corridor in Stockport Introduction: Stockport Council is consulting over improving journeys on the A6 corridor from the Manchester Boundary to Stockport Town Centre. Working in partnership with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), we want to make the roads safer, reduce bus journey times, improve access to bus stops, provide better crossings, and develop cycle routes parallel and across the A6 to make it easier to walk, wheel and... MoreOpened 26 February 2024 -
Creating SEND Resource Provision at St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Stockport Council wants to know your views on a proposal to establish a specialist resource provision (SRP) at St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School from September 2024 for pupils with learning and cognition, or social, emotional and mental health needs. Stockport Council is comitted to improving the SEND offer and ensuring families have the option to allow their child's needs to be met locally. Currently, children requiring specialist provision are having to travel a significant... MoreOpened 12 March 2024 -
Creating SEND Resource Provision at St Paul's CE Primary School
Stockport Council wants to know your views on a proposal to establish a specialist resource provision (SRP) at St Paul's CE Primary School from September 2024 for pupils with learning and cognition, or social, emotional and mental health needs. Stockport Council is comitted to improving the SEND offer and ensuring families have the option to allow their child's needs to be met locally. Currently, children requiring specialist provision are having to travel a significant distance across... MoreOpened 18 March 2024 -
Breast Screening Survey 2024
We are keen to hear your views about the future of breast screening in Stockport. We currently have a mobile unit that visits; Shaw heath, Bramhall, Brinnington, Marple and Romiley and we are looking into the possibility of having an additional breast screening site located in Stockport town centre in a building. We would really appreciate your time to answer the following questions. We welcome anyone to answer this survey but please note that the breast screening... MoreOpened 25 March 2024 -
Creating SEND Resource Provision at Tithe Barn Primary School
Stockport Council wants to know your views on a proposal to establish a specialist resource provision (SRP) at Tithe Barn Primary School from September 2025 for pupils with learning and cognition, or social, emotional and mental health needs. Stockport Council is comitted to improving the SEND offer and ensuring families have the option to allow their child's needs to be met locally. Currently, children requiring specialist provision are having to travel a significant distance across... MoreOpened 15 April 2024 -
Marple District Centre Residents Parking - Consultation
Stockport Council was subject to a petition by residents of Queen Street, Lockside, Chadwick Street, Empress Avenue, Church Street, East Vale, John Street and Trinity Street in May 2023, requesting the introduction of permit parking measures on these roads owing to parking issues. MoreOpened 7 May 2024 -
Stockport Town Centre Residential Design Guide
Stockport Town Centre continues to go through a period of change and growth. At the heart of this transformation are ambitious plans to increase and enhance the town centre residential offer. To make sure high-quality and sustainable residential growth takes place, we must clearly outline our design expectations. The proposed Stockport Town Centre Residential Design Guide sets out the council’s design expectations for this area of the borough. The design guide is intended to be... MoreOpened 22 May 2024 -
Proposed No Waiting At Any Time Traffic Regulation Order Greenway Road & Surrounding Area
Consultation on proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – ‘No Waiting at Any Time,' (double yellow lines) Greenway Road and surrounding roads in Heald Green. MoreOpened 23 May 2024 -
Road Safety around Schools – Whitehill Primary School
The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school, both to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. For this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, Traffic Services have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local Members. The... MoreOpened 11 September 2024 -
Closure of Lark Hill Nursery and Extending the Age Range at Lark Hill Primary School
Each time a nursery school Headteacher announces their intention to retire, consideration is given to whether the school should unite with a local school to become a single primary school. Following the announcement that the Headteacher at Lark Hill Nursery School is retiring at the end of the 2024/25 school year, Stockport Council is exploring the opportunities that this presents and that includes closing Lark Hill Nursery School and expanding the age range at Lark Hill Primary School to... MoreOpened 16 September 2024 -
Existing and Future meetings
We are reviewing the formal meetings that are currently held between Stockport Council and Early Years Providers to ensure that they are still relevant to you and meet current needs. Please take the time to read the explanations of the meetings and complete a few short questions at the Regards, The EY Team MoreOpened 20 September 2024
256 results.
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