St Thomas School Street - Follow-Up

Closed 16 Jul 2023

Opened 26 Jun 2023

Feedback updated 11 Sep 2023

We asked

We sought your views on the School Street trial at St Thomas’s CofE Primary School in Heaton Chapel around: whether or not it should continue as a permanent scheme; views on how it operated; and what changes respondents would like to see if it became permanent.


You said

There were a total of 265 responses.  119 parents/guardians indicated that they would like the scheme to continue unchanged with 10 responding that they would not.  19 residents who were permit holders (not parents/guardians) indicated that they would like the scheme to continue unchanged, with 3 seeking changes and 13 against its continuation.  Of residents in the wider neighbourhood, 61 respondents indicated that they would be happy to see the School Street continue, 6 sought changes and 20 were against.

The key suggestions arising from the consultation were:

  • Additional traffic management measures and signage
  • Additional enforcement
  • More road safety training for children
  • Addressing antisocial and dangerous driving and parking by parents
  • Alternative car parking
  • Clarification of the role of marshals

We did

The consultation comments and analysis have been shared with the Ward Councillors who have agreed that the scheme should continue.  Changes suggested will be explored further and may be progressed should funding become available. 


School Streets: Online Evaluation

What is a School Street?

A school street is a road outside a school with a temporary motorised traffic restriction on it, in term time, at school drop-off and pick-up times. The restriction is to create a street environment which encourages cycling, scooting, or walking for part or all of the school run and reduce motorised traffic.


The School Street for St Thomas's Church of England Primary School started in May 2023.

Infant School:

  • Buckingham Road from the junction with Wellington Road North up to the junction with Chandos Road with no left or right turns from Wellington Road North onto Buckingham Road

Junior School:

  • Tatton Road North from the junction with Clarence Road along Buckingham Road to a point before the junction with Peel Moat Road
  • Brownsville Road from the junction with Clarence Road to Buckingham Road

St Thomas's did a ‘Hands Up’ survey before and during the trial, so we know the numbers of children travelling by car, walking, cycling, or scooting, and how many families have left their cars behind for the school journey. We also did traffic counts in the area.

We’d like to know how the trial went for you…

As well as collecting data, we’d like the views of people affected by the trial so please have your say if:

  • You are a parent, grandparent or guardian of a pupil at St Thomas CofE
  • You live on a School Street (one that’s been closed)
  • You live in the wider neighbourhood
  • You are not in one of these categories but were still affected by the School Street


  • All Areas


  • Stockport Council Activities
  • Highways
  • Traffic
  • Road Safety
  • Transport