Response 682660445

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Environment Policies

ENV1. Protecting views and vistas (1-13)

ENV1 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV1 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV1 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV1 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV1 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV1 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV1 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV1 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV1 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV1 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV1 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV1 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
Policy ENV1 Comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems

ENV2 . Protecting the countryside and green spaces (1-13)

ENV 2 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV 2 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV 2 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV 2 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV 2 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV 2 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV 2 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV 2 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV 2 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV 2 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV 2 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV 2 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV2 comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems

ENV3. Protecting natural features which are a key aesthetic component of the landscape (1-4, 7-11, 12-13, 21)

ENV3 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV3 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV3 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV3 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV3 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV3 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
Policy ENV3 comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems

ENV4. Supporting biodiversity* (1-4, 7-19, 23-26, 30-33)

ENV4 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV4 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV4 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV4 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV4 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV4 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV4 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV4 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV4 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV4 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV4 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV4 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
Proposed measures Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree Proposed measures Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree Proposed measures Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree Proposed measures Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree Proposed measures Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree Proposed measures Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV4 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems

ENV5. Reducing light pollution (1-3, 34)

ENV5 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV5 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV5 (c) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (c) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (c) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (c) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (c) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (c) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV5 (d) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (d) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (d) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (d) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (d) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (d) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

Employment Policies

EMP1. New Businesses within the Area (1-9)

EMP1 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree EMP1 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree EMP1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree EMP1 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree EMP1 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree EMP1 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
EMP1 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems no big supermarkets or out of town developments, no more by-passes or motorways make EVERYONE pay to park EVERYWHERE , and greatly improve the bus services

EMP2. Loss of Employment (1, 2, 4-8)

EMP2 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree EMP2 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree EMP2 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree EMP2 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree EMP2 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree EMP2 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
EMP2 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems

EMP3. Use of Rural Buildings (1, 4-9)

EMP3 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree EMP3 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree EMP3 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree EMP3 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree EMP3 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree EMP3 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
EMP3 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt and the environment and the ecosystems, Applications for the change of use for agricultural buildings, including stables, should not be permitted at all for 20 years not 10 years of completion of the building etc

Community and Heritage Policies

COM1. Provision of new community facilities (1-8)

COM1 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM1 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM1 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM1 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM1 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM1 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

COM2. Development of Community Facilities (1-12)

COM2 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM2 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM2 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM2 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM2 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM2 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM2 Policy Comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

COM3. Woodford Heritage assets (1-3, 10-12)

COM3(a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM3(a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM3(a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3(b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM3(b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM3(b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3(c) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM3(c) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM3(c) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(c) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(c) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(c) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3(d) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM3(d) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM3(d) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(d) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(d) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(d) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems,

Development Policies

DEV1. Exceptions for new housing development (1-3, 5-11)

DEV1 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV1 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV1 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV1 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV1 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV1 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV2. Limited infilling in Woodford Village (1-3, 5-9, 10)

DEV2 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV2 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV2 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV2 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV2 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV2 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV2 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV3. Affordable Housing* (1, 2, 5-9, 10)

DEV3 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV3 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV3 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV3 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV3 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV3 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV3 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV4. Redevelopment of farm buildings or farm complex (1, 3)

DEV4 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV4 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV4 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV4 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV4 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV4 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV4 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV5. Replacement of existing dwellings (1-3, 5-11)

DEV5 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV5 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV5 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV5 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV5 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV5 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV5 Policy Comment
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport, stop garden grabbing

DEV6. Extensions to existing dwellings (1-3, 5-9, 11)

DEV6 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV6 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV6 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV6 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV6 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV6 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV6 Policy Comment
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV7. Subdivision of existing houses (1, 3, 5-11)

DEV7 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV7 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV7 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV7 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV7 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV7 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV7 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV8. Design of new development (1-3, 5-9, 11, 13-14)

DEV8 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV8 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV8 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV8 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV8 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV8 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV8 Policy Comment
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

DEV9. Backland* and tandem development (1, 5-9, 11)

DEV9 Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree DEV9 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV9 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV9 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Checked Tend to Disagree DEV9 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV9 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
DEV9 Policy comments
protect the greenbelt, environment and ecosystems, and greatly improve public transport

stop garden grabbing