Response 130070074

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C Paul Rodman

Environment Policies

ENV1. Protecting views and vistas (1-13)

ENV1 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree ENV1 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Checked Tend to Agree ENV1 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV1 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV1 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV1 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV1 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV1 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV1 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV1 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV1 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV1 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

ENV2 . Protecting the countryside and green spaces (1-13)

ENV 2 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV 2 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV 2 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV 2 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV 2 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV 2 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV 2 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV 2 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV 2 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV 2 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV 2 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV 2 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

ENV3. Protecting natural features which are a key aesthetic component of the landscape (1-4, 7-11, 12-13, 21)

ENV3 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV3 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV3 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV3 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV3 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV3 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

ENV4. Supporting biodiversity* (1-4, 7-19, 23-26, 30-33)

ENV4 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV4 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV4 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV4 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV4 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV4 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV4 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV4 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV4 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV4 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV4 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV4 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
Proposed measures Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree Proposed measures Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree Proposed measures Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree Proposed measures Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree Proposed measures Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree Proposed measures Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

ENV5. Reducing light pollution (1-3, 34)

ENV5 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV5 (b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV5 (c) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (c) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (c) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (c) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (c) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (c) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
ENV5 (d) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree ENV5 (d) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree ENV5 (d) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree ENV5 (d) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree ENV5 (d) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree ENV5 (d) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

Employment Policies

EMP1. New Businesses within the Area (1-9)

EMP1 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree EMP1 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree EMP1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree EMP1 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree EMP1 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree EMP1 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

EMP2. Loss of Employment (1, 2, 4-8)

EMP2 (a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree EMP2 (a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree EMP2 (a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree EMP2 (a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree EMP2 (a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree EMP2 (a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

EMP3. Use of Rural Buildings (1, 4-9)

EMP3 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree EMP3 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree EMP3 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree EMP3 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree EMP3 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree EMP3 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

Community and Heritage Policies

COM1. Provision of new community facilities (1-8)

COM1 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM1 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM1 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM1 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM1 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

COM2. Development of Community Facilities (1-12)

COM2 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM2 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM2 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM2 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM2 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM2 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

COM3. Woodford Heritage assets (1-3, 10-12)

COM3(a) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM3(a) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM3(a) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(a) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(a) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(a) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3(b) Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree COM3(b) Tend to Agree Radio button: Checked Tend to Agree COM3(b) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(b) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(b) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(b) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3(c) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree COM3(c) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree COM3(c) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(c) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(c) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(c) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
COM3(d) Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree COM3(d) Tend to Agree Radio button: Checked Tend to Agree COM3(d) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree COM3(d) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree COM3(d) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree COM3(d) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

Development Policies

DEV1. Exceptions for new housing development (1-3, 5-11)

DEV1 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV1 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV1 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV1 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV1 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV1 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV2. Limited infilling in Woodford Village (1-3, 5-9, 10)

DEV2 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV2 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV2 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV2 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV2 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV2 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV3. Affordable Housing* (1, 2, 5-9, 10)

DEV3 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV3 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV3 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV3 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV3 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV3 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (1) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure
The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree The Woodford Connection Definition (2) Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV4. Redevelopment of farm buildings or farm complex (1, 3)

DEV4 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV4 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV4 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV4 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV4 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV4 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV5. Replacement of existing dwellings (1-3, 5-11)

DEV5 Strongly Agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Agree DEV5 Tend to Agree Radio button: Checked Tend to Agree DEV5 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV5 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV5 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV5 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV6. Extensions to existing dwellings (1-3, 5-9, 11)

DEV6 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV6 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV6 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV6 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV6 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV6 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV7. Subdivision of existing houses (1, 3, 5-11)

DEV7 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV7 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV7 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV7 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV7 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV7 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV8. Design of new development (1-3, 5-9, 11, 13-14)

DEV8 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV8 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV8 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV8 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV8 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV8 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure

DEV9. Backland* and tandem development (1, 5-9, 11)

DEV9 Strongly Agree Radio button: Checked Strongly Agree DEV9 Tend to Agree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Agree DEV9 Neither Agree nor Disagree Radio button: Not checked Neither Agree nor Disagree DEV9 Tend to Disagree Radio button: Not checked Tend to Disagree DEV9 Strongly Disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly Disagree DEV9 Don't Know/Not Sure Radio button: Not checked Don't Know/Not Sure