Minimum Fare 2022

Closed 31 Jan 2022

Opened 23 Dec 2021

Feedback updated 8 Feb 2022

We asked

We asked for your views on the potential introducton of a prebooked minimum journey free for Hackney Carriages.

You said

There were real concerns regarding the proposal from people who either use hackney carriages or who are carers for people who use hackney carriages.  Your told us of your concerns around the increased cost associated with a prebooked fare.

Yout said that you felt aggrieved by the proposal for a prebooked minimum fare and their response is that they would use private hire instead.

We did

Results indicated concerns from service users regarding  the request for the introduction of a  minimum fare to be charged for prebooked hackney carriage journeys.

The concerns were re-laid to the hackney carriage trade association who have decided to withdraw their request for a prebooked minimum fare from the current fare review.

The hackney carriage trade association have asked the Council to undertake research with other local  authorities to see if any similar schemes operate successfully in other council areas, so that the matter may be considered in any future hackney carriage fare review


Stockport’s hackney carriage trade association have approached the Council and requested the introduction of a prebooked minimum journey fee for Hackney Carriages.

Please see the related documents below to read more about how Private hire and Hackney carriage taxis differ.

Why your views matter

The council is keen to hear from service users around the introduction of thhe proposed mimum fare for pre-booked Hackney Carriages.

Your views will help the Council make the decision whether to amend the hackney carriage fares including the detail of the changes to be imposed on the fare/ tariff  card and a date of implementation for the new fares.



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