Safer Streets Save Lives - Reddish District Centre

Closed 24 Dec 2021

Opened 22 Nov 2021


As part of the borough-wide ‘One Stockport’ initiative, Stockport Council introduced a series of traffic measures in Reddish and other District Centres within Stockport. The measures were implemented during the initial Covid recovery phase to make the local shopping area safer for everyone who uses it using the Government’s Safe Streets Save Lives grant.

As part of this approach we have created/reinforced 20mph zone to encourage reduced vehicle speeds within the district centres. New 20mph zones signs have been erected on all vehicle access points into the 20mph zone. The 20mph speed limit zones have been introduced on the following roads:-

  • Gorton Road between Higginson Road and Reddish Lane
  • Reddish Lane between Gorton Road and Reddish Bridge
  • Broadstone Road between Rupert Street and Reddish Lane
  • Rupert Street and
  • Stanhope Street

Within the zone we have also:-

  •  Installed  3 sets of bolt down traffic calming cushions on Gorton Road;
  •  Installed 3 set of bolt down traffic calming cushions on Broadstone Road; and
  •  Installed 2 sets of bolt down traffic calming cushions on Reddish Lane.

These were installed as temporary measures with a promise to consult with residents and businesses on whether they should be retained for longer or removed as planned. The Network Management Section would now like to gain your feedback on the SSSL (Safe Streets Save Lives) measures introduced within Reddish District Centre.

Plan of the measurues implemented:

View plan in a new window. 

Please include any comments you may wish to make on the proposals by completing this survey by 17 December 2021. 
