Integrated Transport Block –Turves Road Puffin Crossing

Closed 4 Nov 2022

Opened 14 Oct 2022


The Council is aware of long-standing concerns raised by Councillors and the public about crossing Turves Road and a number of recorded injury incidents associated with such crossings.

To help improve the safety of the public while crossing Turves Road we propose to provide a signalised crossing approximately half-way between the existing crossing facilities at the junctions of Turves Road / Highfield Road and Turves Road / Cheadle Road. Turves Road is mostly fronted by residential properties (with the notable exception of the fire station), almost all of which have private driveway access to the road. This limits the locations where a crossing could be located to one where there is sufficient gap between drop crossings on both sides of the road; this has fed into the decision-making process regarding the siting of the proposed signalised crossing.

The proposals include:

  • Provision of a Puffin Crossing on Turves Road between the junctions with Henley Avenue and Eastings Close. This would provide a connection to the public right of way which runs to the west of Eastings Close and provides a link to Bruntwood Park and Laurus Cheadle Hulme school;
  • Provision of footway build-outs, dropped kerbs and tactile paving at the junctions of Turves Road / Henley Avenue and Turves Road / Eastings Close to aid pedestrians;
  • Works may be required to three existing trees within the northern footway between Henley Avenue and Eastings Close in order to improve visibility. This is subject to further investigation; and
  • Access to existing driveways will be retained.


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This proposal would be paid for by funding from the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) which is aimed at small scale improvements including road safety and the promotion of more sustainable modes of travel.

We would like to invite you to consider the plan and information above and indicate whether you are in support of the proposals by completing this survey.

Consultation responses must be received by Friday 4th November 2022.

Your feedback is valued and we welcome your involvement in the process. We regret that we will be unable to reply to all individuals but we will collate, analyse and consider all responses received and the feedback will be used as part of the decision-making process prior to the implementation of any scheme.

If you require a paper copy of the survey please contact us at: or call the contact centre on 0161 217 6043 if you would like to discuss any of the above.



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