Stockport Street Cleaning, Park and Highway Verge Maintenance Consultation

Closed 11 Jan 2019

Opened 16 Nov 2018


Stockport Council is facing an ongoing financial challenge and increasing demand for statutory services such as adult’s social care. This means that we have an anticipated gap in the budget of up to £47 million pounds over the next four years and the income generated from Council Tax and Business Rates alone will no longer be sufficient to cover the cost of some services. 

The Council is  committed to engaging with, and informing, Stockport residents with regard to how we will work in the future. The aim of this consultation exercise is to inform you of the current proposals regarding street cleansing and the maintenance of parks and highway verges; to outline the impact these decisions would have and to invite feedback on them.

There is a need to reduce spending across these service areas by £540,000. Specifically £300,000 from the street cleansing budget and £240,000 from the greenspace budget.

The full business case can be viewed here:

Strategic Commissioning Paper

Please ensure we receive your views by 11th January 2019. It is important that we receive your views by this date as all feedback will be pulled together into a report which will then be considered Scrutiny Committees and then at the Cabinet meeting in February. A paper copy can be requested in Libraries.

