Road Safety around Schools – Cheadle Heath Primary School

Closed 6 Dec 2021

Opened 16 Nov 2021

Feedback updated 28 Mar 2022

We asked

We asked for your views on the potential implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) and associated signage; implementation of pencil bollards; and new school warning signs as part of a Road Safety around Schools scheme to support the Council’s overall strategic ambition to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school.

You said

A total of 22 responses were received with 68% of respondents supporting the proposals. 6 respondents disagreed with the proposals, 5 of whom disagreed with an element of the proposed TROs. One resident requested that additional measures be implemented on Churchley Road.

We did

In response to the feedback received, the proposed restrictions on Huntley Road have been reduced. Ward members have also agreed to review Churchley Road, separate to the Road Safety Around Schools programme.

The proposed scheme was approved at the Central Stockport Area Committee on the 10th March 2022. The TROs are expected to be advertised in spring/summer 2022.

The full report can be viewed on the Council’s Democracy web pages here (Item 10):


The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. In order for this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, the Traffic Services Team have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and local Members.

To reduce the impact of inconsiderate parking and to highlight to passing vehicles there are children in the area, the following improvements have been identified surrounding Cheadle Heath Primary School:

  • A review and upgrade of the school warning signs on Edgeley Road;
  • Provision of six pencil bollards on the southern side of Edgeley Road and one on the northern side of Edgeley Road to emphasise the school entrance and highlight to drivers that pupils are likely to be using the signalised pedestrian crossing to travel to/from school;
  • Provision of ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) at the junction of Huntley Road / Edgeley Road in order to keep the junction clear of parked vehicles, protecting intervisibility between pedestrians and motorists whilst also ensuring vehicles can negotiate the junction safely;
  • Provision of ‘No Loading’ blips on the kerbs along Edgeley Road to reinforce the existing ‘No Loading’ restrictions (7:30-9:30am and 4-6:30pm); and
  • Provision of ‘No Loading’ restrictions (8:30-9:30am and 2:30-4pm Monday to Friday) on Heathside Road to provide additional support to the existing ‘No Waiting’ restrictions (8am-6pm Monday to Friday) at school drop-off and pick-up times.

Please view the plan here:

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Please could you spend a few minutes to consider the issues and let us have your feedback on the proposals. Your feedback is valued and appreciated and we welcome your involvement in the process. We will collate, analyse and consider all responses received and the feedback from the consultation will be used as part of the decision making process prior to the implementation of any measures.

Please include any comments you may wish yo make on the proposal by completing the online survey by Monday 6th December 2021.
