Stockport Marketplace and Underbanks – Access Improvement Plan for Businesses

Closed 5 Feb 2021

Opened 25 Jan 2021


We are seeking to develop proposals to better manage and control vehicular traffic in and around the Market, Underbanks and St Petersgate in the town centre. Our aim is to improve road safety, regenerate the area and create a more pedestrian and cycle friendly environment which will enhance and support the needs of local businesses, whilst considering any future development.

To help inform the next stages of development for this project, we are really interested in the operation of your business and as a result, we would like to understand your current vehicular access arrangements, including staff parking, deliveries (loading and unloading), waste collection and your usual operating hours.  

The past year has been quite a different one for a lot of businesses and we are mindful of this. Therefore to ensure we understand the full needs of your business, we would like you to answer the questions based on activities pre-COVID19 times.

The feedback you provide will be used and accommodated within the development of any proposals. Once the proposals have been developed, we will invite you to respond on the basis of plans drafted. 

We value and appreciate your involvement in this process, however, we regret that we will be unable to reply to all individuals but we will collate, review and analyse all surveys received.
