Integrated Transport Block – Bosden Fold Road Zebra Crossing

Closed 4 Nov 2022

Opened 14 Oct 2022


Stockport Council has been awarded funding from the Integrated Transport Block (ITB) to fund small scale improvements including road safety and the promotion of more sustainable modes of travel.

During the development of the Road Safety around School scheme in relation to St Simon’s Primary School in 2021, ward members raised concern regarding the speed of vehicles along Bosden Fold. During the public consultation the provision of a Zebra Crossing was requested on Bosden Fold Road, in close proximity to Bosden Avenue in order to aid pedestrians crossing the road on their journeys to/from the primary school. Whilst there was insufficient funding to progress this measure as part of the Road Safety around Schools programme, the need for improvements at this location was acknowledged. Funding has now been secured from the ITB fund to progress a scheme which compliments the recently installed tactile paving facilities.

The proposals include:

  • Provision of a Zebra Crossing on Bosden Fold Road, to the west of the junctions with Meadow Croft and Bosden Avenue in order to aid pedestrians crossing the road;
  • Provision of footway build-outs at the junctions of Meadow Croft / Bosden Fold and Bosden Avenue / Bosden Fold in order to widen the footways. This will increase the footway capacity and better accommodate demand whilst pedestrians are waiting to cross the road. It will also reduce the width of the side roads making them quicker, easier and safer to cross for pedestrians. The tactile paving on Meadow Croft and Bosden Avenue will be realigned to reflect the amended kerblines;
  • The existing No Waiting At Any Times restrictions (double yellow lines) will be amended to follow the revised kerbline; and
  • Access to existing driveways will be retained.


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We would like to invite you to consider the plan and information above and indicate whether you are in support of the proposals by completing this survey.

Consultation responses must be received by Friday 4th November 2022.

Your feedback is valued and we welcome your involvement in the process. We regret that we will be unable to reply to all individuals but we will collate, analyse and consider all responses received and the feedback will be used as part of the decision making process prior to the implementation of any scheme.

If you require a paper copy of the survey please contact us at: or call the contact centre on 0161 217 6043 if you would like to discuss any of the above.




  • Stockport Council Activities