Polling District Review

Closed 18 Aug 2022

Opened 7 Jul 2022



Following the latest ward boundary review published in April by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE), new ward boundaries have been drawn up for Stockport. You can see these on the LGBCE website. The new ward boundaries will be used for next year’s local elections.  

Following this review, Stockport Council are conducting a polling district review to make sure that polling districts and polling stations are in the right places for the new wards, and we want to hear your views.  

Why take part?

The boundary review may mean that the ward you vote in has changed. It also means that your polling station may change, so you may be voting in a different place in the 2023 local elections.  

The council wants to get residents’ views on the proposed polling district and polling station changes, and is asking for you to make your voice heard. We want to hear what you think of the proposals, and how they will impact you and the people you live with.  

Do I have to take part?

No, you do not have to take part, but the more people who tell us what they think of the proposals, the more chance there is for us to get it right. If you choose not to take part, you will not lose your chance to vote.

What happens next?

The second phase of the consultation will run from 25 August to 7 October 2022 and will contain the redrawn proposals as a result of submissions from the first consultation. Once the consultation has concluded, the council will publish final recommendations which will show the new polling districts and polling stations for future elections.  

How do I take part?

You can take part by filling in this online survey. Alternately, you can take part via:


You can respond by email to localwardboundary@stockport.gov.uk

By post:

You can write to us with your comments at:

Electoral Services

Room 132, Town Hall

Edward Street



The consultation will be open from 7 July to 18 August 2022.


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