Call for Sites 2020

Closed 28 Feb 2020

Opened 31 Jan 2020


As part of the public consultation on a new Local Plan for Stockport we are asking people to identify land or sites they would like to see either protected or developed for a particular use. This could either be: 

  • Sites that you think should be protected – for example, an area of open space that you think should be protected for recreational use, or a business site that you think should be protected to provide local jobs; or 
  • Sites that you think should be promoted for a use that is different from the current use – for example, a site that you think should be developed for housing, business, leisure or another use. 

If your site is not already included in the SHLAA published in December 2018 and you want to promote a site or sites for potential development please complete this survey.

What happens next

All sites will be assessed against a range of planning policy and sustainability criteria to ensure that they will deliver the aims and objectives of the Local Plan. Following this screening we will publish for consultation the selected site allocations in the Draft local Plan documented as a schedule of sites with preferred uses. We anticipate that this document will be subject to public consultation during summer 2020. If sites and the proposed sues submitted through this Call for Sites exercise are not included in the consultation Draft Local Plan the Council will set out reasons why they have been excluded.
