Breast Screening Questionnaire

Closed 31 Aug 2019

Opened 3 Jul 2019

Feedback updated 30 Dec 2019

We asked

We Asked about your experiences and suggestions for improvement for Breast Screening in Stockport.

You said

926 women responded and let us know about their experiences, both good and where there were issues. The overwhelming majority of you really valued this service and some reported that it had “saved my life”. You offered suggestions for improvement including streamlining the appointment system, more evening and weekend appointments, and more consideration about the location of the service.

We did

We have analysed your responses and shared them with the provider and commissioners of this service. We will be working with them to improve the services further, using your views to help us achieve a service that works for the women of Stockport.


The NHS breast screening programme invites all women aged between 50 and 70 to attend screening every three years. Stockport is working to improve uptake of breast screening across the Borough. This questionnaire aims to improve our understanding of why women in Stockport chose to attend – or not attend – for breast screening so that we can make changes if we need to.

Please complete the relevant questions if you are:

  • A Stockport resident
  • Aged 50 to 73 (i.e. eligible for breast screening either now, or in the last three years)

If you believe you are overdue a breast screening appointment you can contact the local breast screening service to arrange a review using the following details:


Phone:  01625 661157

Email :
