Age Friendly Survey

Closed 19 Dec 2018

Opened 21 Nov 2018


In Stockport we already have a lot of work underway around ageing well, and the Age Friendly strategy aims to bring that together and remind us all what we are trying to achieve. Our strategy has been developed by Stockport’s Age-Friendly Board, which includes partners from across the breadth of council, the health service, voluntary and community sector.

In October 2017 we held a series of events to engage with local community groups across Stockport, and held a focussed workshop on our strategy which was open to people from all sectors and the general public. Now a year on, we want to capture what people are particularly proud of, what we do well in Stockport, and where there is still scope for improvement. This is why we still want to hear your views.

Please complete the survey based on the particular local area which you live in within Stockport. We encourage people of all ages to respond to the survey as making places age friendly will have an impact on all our lives. 

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Lucy Webster:

If you wish to complete a paper version, these will be available in your local library.

Please complete this survey by Wednesday 19th December.
