Access Control Policy

Closed 25 Feb 2022

Opened 17 Jan 2022


In July 2020, the government released new guidance for local authorities to follow on designing high quality, safe cycle infrastructure. The Council is currently reviewing its procedures to ensure it supports this guidance alongside the current legislation in the Equality Act 2010. The Council is also working with its maintenance and design teams to implement these procedures across the borough.

The Council is aware that access controls mean that routes are not accessible for all users and that this has been a concern to residents in the borough. This policy statement will help make sure officers are responding to any queries in an appropriate manner. There are also a number of local areas where access controls support wider efforts to combat anti-social behaviour (ASB) particularly from off road motorbikes. Therefore, the accessibility of sites has to be weighed up against the risks caused by anti-social behaviour.

Improving the access control measures will link in with the council’s asset management policies, equality obligations, ROWIP and Cycling and Walking Plan as it will establish a better accessible network for all users to use.

In “A Plan for Walking and Cycling in Stockport 2019-2029” Stockport identifies that by 2029, the Council’s ambition is to deliver a high quality and fully connected walking and cycling network, and to promote walking and cycling as regular and accessible forms of transport for all age groups and ability levels.

The plan sets out how this vision will be achieved in Stockport. The Plan is just one element of the Council’s current approach to cycling and walking. The Council aims to improve infrastructure identified by the Greater Manchester Bee Network mapping process and to support the production of the Greater Manchester Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).

This policy statement agrees a local approach to balance the issues that have been raised regarding accessibility and cyclability with the need to protect residents from the negative impact of ASB including illegitimate usage of routes.

Before completing the online survey please read the full Access Control Measures Policy Statement, which can be found here.

To achieve feedback from residents in the borough, a consultation will be held from January 17 to February 25, 2022. 

If you require any of the detailed plans, policy or response form in an alternative format such as a hard copy, or want to discuss the above please contact the team via email at

Please be aware, due to the anticipated volume of responses we will not be able to enter into detailed correspondence about points raised, however, please be assured all will be considered.




  • Stockport Council Activities