Safe Streets Save Lives on Stonepail Road, Gatley

Closed 28 Mar 2022

Opened 11 Mar 2022

Feedback updated 5 Jul 2023

We asked

Between 11-28 March 2022 we asked for your views on the proposal to trial a part closure of Stonepail Road Gatley with the introduction of a modal filter and planters/bollards .  This proposal was one of a series of traffic calming measures introduced in Gatley and other areas around Stockport.

You said

A total of 44 responses were received, predominantly from residents, although representations were received from five local businesses.

  • 41% of respondents were in favour of the proposed changes before they were introduced, 43% were not
  • 48% support the introduction of the modal filter, 41% do not
  • 48% support the introduction of bollards/planters – 45% do not

Key Issues raised were with regards to parking and safe movement around the junctions. 

We did

Following issues raised around parking and safe movement around the junctions,  Councillors have asked officers to revisit plans for Stonepail Road.  Affected residents will be contacted in due course outlining the proposals.


As part of the borough wide ‘One Stockport’ initiative, Stockport Council introduced a series of traffic calming measures in Gatley and other areas within Stockport. The measures we have implemented are to make the local areas safer for everyone who uses it using the government’s Safe Streets Saves Lives grant. 

The Network Management Section received a request from your Local Highway Ward Spokesperson to trial a part road closure on Stonepail Road, Gatley. With the introduction of a modal filter.

These temporary measures include stopping motor vehicles from using Stonepail Road as a through route, to do this we have placed planters and bollards on the southeast side of Stonepail Road. Maintaining access for pedestrians, cyclists, and wheelchair users. 

These were installed as temporary measures with a promise to consult on whether they should be retained.  The Network Management Section would now like to gain your feedback on the measures introduced on Stonepail Road, Gatley.

The feedback we receive will also help us to understand if the measures are making a positive difference, any alterations that we need to consider and inform how we deliver this type of scheme in the future.

Please provide any comments you wish to make on the proposals by completing this survey by 28th March 2022.



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