Road Safety around Schools – Bolshaw Primary School

Closed 23 May 2022

Opened 3 May 2022


The Council’s overall strategic transport ambition is to increase the number of children walking or cycling to school to reduce congestion on roads, improve local air quality, and improve health outcomes. In order for this to be achieved, it is important that walking or cycling to school is a safe option for children and their families. To support this ambition, the Feasibility and Road Safety Team have been working to tackle key concerns which have been raised by schools and ward councillors.

To reduce the impact of inconsiderate parking and to highlight to passing vehicles there are likely to be children crossing in the area, the following improvements have been identified surrounding Bolshaw Primary School:

  • Provision of bollards on Oakdene Avenue to support the existing No Waiting At Any Time restrictions at the junction with Cross Road in order to keep the junction clear of parked vehicles, protecting intervisibility between pedestrians and motorists whilst also ensuring vehicles can negotiate the junction safely
  • Proposed No Waiting At Any Time restrictions at the junction of Cross Road / Bolshaw Road. This is also to keep the junction clear of parked vehicles, protecting intervisibility between pedestrians and motorists whilst also ensuring vehicles can negotiate the junction safely;
  • Provision of dropped kerbs and tactile paving at the school crossing patrol location on Cross Road and at the vehicular entrance to the school to assist pedestrians;
  • Provision of hatching at the junction of Kilburn Close and Cross Road, with associated remarking of the give-way marking, to encourage lower vehicle speeds when turning into Kilburn Close;
  • Upgrade of the existing school warning signs along Cross Road; and
  • Proposed remarking of the No Stopping on School Keep Clear (Monday to Friday 8am-9:15am and 3-4pm) restrictions to ensure that the markings comply with current guidelines.

Please view the plan here:

View the plan in a new window. 

Please could you spend a few minutes to consider the issues and let us have your feedback on the proposals. Please include any comments you may wish to make on the proposal by completing the online survey by Monday 23rd May 2022.



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