Massie Street Cycle Cut Through

Closed 29 Oct 2023

Opened 20 Sep 2023


Stockport Council is consulting on a proposal to provide a segregated cycle route between Ashfield Crescent and Massie Street car park in Cheadle.

A number of Cheadle Towns Fund schemes which included a route for cyclists utilising the quiet roads of Brookfield Road, Oak Road, Whitegates Road, Ashfield Road and Ashfield Crescent was implemented in 2022 and earlier this year. This scheme has been implemented with the exception of the Massie Street car park cycle cut through. Additional funding has been secured through ITB Phase 2 and we are now proposing to implement the last section which was previously removed due to budget constraints.  


To provide the extended cycle route it is therefore proposed to introduce the following measures, these are shown on the plan (5224_06_F_001) and are described below:

  • A new 3.0m wide two-way segregated cycle track through the existing closure at the western end of Ashfield Crescent to provide access to Massie Street car park.
  • The existing parent and child bay relocated adjacent to the existing footpath.
  • Provision of an uncontrolled crossing point to allow for safe crossing of the proposed cycle track.
  • Installation of No Waiting at Any Time Restrictions at the western end of Ashfield Crescent to protect the segregated cycle route.
  • Replacement and relocation of cycle stands close to the proposed cycle track.
  • Relocation of the recycling and charity collection bins to replace the existing cycle stands.
  • Introduction of cycle markings and signs within Massie Street car park to highlight the cycle route.

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We would like your views on the proposal and a public consultation is taking place between 20th September and 6th October 2023.  Please consider the plan and information above and indicate whether you are in support of the proposals.

Stockport Council will not reply to all individuals but will collate, analyse, and consider all responses received and the feedback from the consultation will be used as part of the decision making process prior to the implementation of any scheme.

If you would like paper copy information and/or response forms, or to discuss any of the above, please contact the team by phone on 0161 217 6043, email at or by post at Services to Place, Stopford House, Stockport, SK1 3XE.

Why your views matter

We would like to hear your views on the proposals, and specifically to what extent you agree or disagree with them.

All responses to this consultation will be considered as part of the scheme development process prior to any implementation. Please be aware we may not be able to enter detailed correspondence with individuals about points raised.

For future updates on this scheme and to find out more about active travel across Stockport, visit


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