School Streets Stockport - St John’s Primary School

Closed 28 Mar 2022

Opened 7 Mar 2022


Stockport Council is seeking residents’ views on its School Streets proposals for a short-term trial in Summer 2022 before the school break.

St John’s Primary School has put itself forward to take part and we’d like your views to help ensure the proposed trial is appropriate and a success.

What is a School Street?

School Streets aim to make the streets around schools safer and healthier for pupils and parents to encourage more people to walk, cycle or scoot to school rather than travel by car.

How it works

An area of road around the school will be temporarily closed to non-essential vehicles for short periods at school start and finish time. In the main only pedestrians, cyclists and scooters are permitted to access a zone while the restriction is in place. However, residents and visitors (such as health care workers) will still be given access although permits may be needed to do so and emergency vehicles will, of course, be given access automatically.

This frees up the road space to make it easier and safer for children and families to be more active on their school journey, enjoy better air quality and a better overall environment at the beginning and end of the school day.

School staff and volunteers will manage the road closures and be equipped with high-visibility vests as well as cones and other street furniture for use only during the times of road closure.

Why are these changes being proposed?

The Council is committed to making Stockport’s roads safer for everyone living, working, and visiting the borough. We are creating a cleaner environment that will reduce air pollution and improve the health and wellbeing of the community by encouraging more walking and cycling wherever possible.

One of the aims of a School Street is to reduce the number of private car journeys to and from school and should lead to:

  • Less road danger from traffic
  • Less anti-social behaviour from inconsiderate parking and dangerous driving
  • More walking, cycling, and scooting by children and parents
  • Reduced congestion and pollution from vehicles waiting with their engines running

What are the key benefits of a School Street?

A School Street supports the aims of school travel plans which encourage and promote active, healthy, safe, and sustainable travel to school for pupils, staff, and visitors as an alternative to short, single occupancy car journeys.

Some benefits include:

  • Reduced traffic and congestion
  • Cleaning up the air that our children breathe
  • Improved Road Safety -  including no crossing between dangerously parked cars
  • Encourage more sustainable and active forms of travel to schools
  • Fewer cars around the school

Why your views matter

We are asking for your views to help guide us to make the right decisions about the proposals for a School Street at St John’s Primary School

The consultation will be held from Monday March 7th 2022 until March 28th 2022.

There will be a drop in event to discuss issues and concerns about the School Street on: Monday, 21st March from 3pm until 6.30pm at St John’s Primary School Hall, Poplar Street, Heaton Mersey, Stockport SK4 3DG.

A copy of the plan for your school is shown on page 3 of the survey. If you would like a hard copy of this, or a response form in an alternative format such as a hard copy, or would like further information, please contact the team via email at

Please be aware that, due to the anticipated volume of responses we will not be able to enter detailed correspondence about points raised.  However, please be assured all comments will be considered as we are committed to ensuring that the trials are a successful as possible.



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