Let's Talk Budget 25/26 - Adult Social Care Proposal

Closes 8 Jan 2025

Policy 2

We propose to ensure that all people who receive funded care and support from the council will have a financial assessment which may mean that people start to pay towards the cost of their care.

The Care Act, 2014 provides a single legal framework for charging and permits a local authority to assess a person’s ability to pay towards the cost of their care.  There are currently some people who receive care and support from the council for their mental health that have not had a financial assessment.  


This proposal will not affect people who have a legal entitlement under section 117 of the Mental Health Act to free aftercare regardless of age. 

1. Are you completing the survey as: Please tick all relevant boxes
2. Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to ensure that all people who receive funded care and support from the council have a financial assessment, which may mean that people start to pay towards the cost of their care? Please tick one of the following
3. How would this proposal affect you or someone you care for?