Carers Survey

Closed 4 Jan 2021

Opened 7 Dec 2020


"A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.” Carers Trust UK

There are approximately 32,000 people in Stockport who are providing unpaid care for a friend or relative.  The Council is committed to continually improve the offer and quality of services available for residents who are carers. We would like to develop a carer’s service that works for all carers across the borough.

We would like to hear from residents; those who are carers, those no longer in a caring role and those who’ve not had any carer responsibilities.  From what you say we want to develop a carer’s service to meet the needs of carers in Stockport.

If you require a copy of this survey in an alternative format (such as a hard copy), please contact
